Pandemic Treaty, 09/29/2022
Pandemic Treaty, 09/29/2022
In the name of GOD we shut down WHO, OMS, is about to adopt the Pandemic Treaty, according to the Word of GOD we know that medicine with multiple side effects is an industry of death.
If any lawyer wants to come forward to advise, they can write by email.
2 Corinthians 6: 14-16;
14 Do not put yourselves under a yoke with the unfaithful that is not for you; in fact what is the relationship between justice and iniquity? Or what communion between light and darkness? 15 And what agreement between Christ and Beliar? Or what relationship is there between the faithful and the unfaithful? 16 And what harmony is there between God's temple and idols? We are in fact the temple of the living God, as God said:
«I will live and walk among them, I will be their God and they will be my people.
Finance dictates scientifically about the health and death of unsuspecting people.
The finance of big investments has for the internet propaganda of censorship, TV, military intelligence in a global satanic affair.
Weapons flow in the form of bacteria and who knows what else in the name of science extolling falsehoods.
The DSM-5, known as the bible of psychiatry, asserts diseases of all kinds and for all, clearly invented not only for profit but specifically for political coercion for those who disagree, who are uncomfortable, often leading them to forced suicide. For this reason, the law on assisted suicide of the Constitutional Court of the Italian Republic, with sentence no. 242 of 25 September 2019.
Pandemic Treaty.
WHO will hold a regional meeting in Washington DC from September 26-30 and will discuss the Pandemic Treaty on Thursday, September 29, 12:30 to 2:00 pm Eastern.
Pandemic Treaty "on September 29, 2022,
An international treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness - Consilium
Art. 19 Italian Constitution
Everyone has the right to freely profess their religious faith in any form, individual or associated, to propagate it and to worship it in private or public, as long as it is not a question of rites contrary to morality.
From the passages of the Sacred Scriptures of GOD we know we have a Special Statute, just by highlighting a few passages we know that we cannot accept human precepts.
Matthew 6:24 No one can serve two masters; because he will either hate the one and love the other, or he will have regard for the one and contempt for the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon.
Isaiah 44: 24-25
24 Thus says the Lord your redeemer,
he who formed you from the womb:
I am the LORD who made all things;
I alone have explained the skies,
I stretched out the earth, without anyone being with me;
25 I frustrate the omens of impostors
and I make the diviners foolish;
I make the wise ones step back
and turn their science into folly;
Matthew 7: 1-3
1 “Judge not, lest you be judged; 2 for with the judgment with which you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure with which you measure, it will be measured to you. 3 Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, while you do not see the beam that is in your eye?
2 Chronicles 16: 11-13
11 Asa's actions, the first and the last, are found written in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel. 12 In the thirty-ninth year of his reign, Asa had a sickness in his feet; his illness was very serious; and yet in his sickness he did not turn to the LORD, but to the doctors.
13 Then Asa fell asleep with his fathers; he died in the forty-first year of his reign,
1 Thessalonians 4: 3-8
3 Because this is God's will: that you sanctify yourselves, that you abstain from fornication, 4 that each of you know how to possess your own body in holiness and honor, 5 without indulging in disordered passions as do strangers who do not know God; 6 that no one oppresses his brother or exploits him in business; because the Lord is an avenger in all these things, as we have already told you and stated before. 7 For God has called us, not to impurity, but to sanctification. 8 Whoever therefore despises these precepts does not despise a man, but that God who also gives you the gift of his Holy Spirit.
1 Corinthians 6: 19-20
19 Don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit that is in you and that you have received from God? So you don't belong to yourself. 20 For you were bought at a high price. So glorify God in your body
Know that all my social network accounts have been closed, including LinkedIn which is a tool for the job.
I consider this a subtlety of a serious act of DISCRIMINATION, of unfair political competition,
I was a Designer here my website:
Covid19 dossier, my blog homepage closed
The link:
France, 09/24/2022
Sincerely in Christ,
Andrea Salvatore Buffa