The lords of money = Mammon, (Revelation 17 and 18)
The lords of money = Mammon, (Revelation 17 and 18)
The Vatican is antichrist, it declares it with the statues
Psalms 112:1; James 5:13-20; Exodus 20:1-20; Psalms 135:13-18; Psalms 115:1-11; Isaiah 40:18-25; Isaiah 44:6-20; Jeremiah 10; Jeremiah 51:15-19; Revelation 17; Revelation 18
Economy and seigniorage
Matthew 6:24 No one can serve two masters; for he or she will hate the one and love the other, or have regard for the one and contempt for the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon, (Revelation 17 and 18)
Do you notice that the judiciary is colluded?
What is the politician's job?
There is a lack of a non-partisan popular commission, however solid in the values that remain the Christian ones.
If we assume society is a car, what is political work?
Choosing one engine over another? Based on what do you choose?
We need to talk about seigniorage and how to get out of debt in an economic system of bari is a storyteller.
With the transfer of the Italian gold treasury, no judge or magistrate opined, and the well-known Professor Giacino Auriti filed a complaint and many videos.
Abstainers and others must present new judges who shed light on the covid19 farce. From lawyers who are not taken into consideration, perhaps poor and with TSO.
Italy that presents social platforms independent of the system where no one is banned. And having a list of those banned from Facebook, like other social networks, is essential because they have exposed themselves without hesitation.
Industrialization with robotics and software allows precision and production speed. Man must go back to living in fraternal communion, without judgment or condemnation chessboards but fraternal rebuke where usury is condemned for example.
Unsolvable debt leads to extortion of property.
the GDP and the rules that arise from it are a real mistake, it generates wars.
When industrial production is honest and the product has a ten-year guarantee from technical project specifications, then a telephone like a car will not have the same impact as the infinite disposable production.
In the food sector, a territory produces according to its size and needs, the GDP also in this case makes no sense.
The lords of money = Mammon, (Revelation 17 and 18)
We no longer know who to rebel against: this is why neoliberalism works and makes the rich feel good
My comment:
Before creating work, money must be created for the worker. As said by the well-known Professor Giacino Auriti, the banking superstructures that impose debt need to possess the value. With the sale of the Italian gold treasury, we have changed the credit into an artificial debt. Who pays?
Sicily of the People - LILLO MASSIMILIANO MUSSO - Candidate for the Presidency of the Region of Sicily
My comment:
How, by what law can we obtain ownership of a relative coin?
We can summarize the ruling class thus: Timothy 3:1-5; 1 Now know this: hard times will come in the last days; 2 for men will be selfish, money lovers, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, irreligious, 3 callous, disloyal, slanderers, intemperate, ruthless, without love of good, 4 traitors, reckless, proud, lovers of pleasure instead of God, 5 having the appearance of godliness, while denying its power. Even from these turn away!
Legal opinion of Prof. Beniamino Deidda - director of the Scuola Superiore di Magistratura:
Art. 629. (Extortion)
Whoever, through violence or threats, forcing someone to do or omit something, procures for himself or for others an unjust profit to the detriment of others, is punished with imprisonment from five to ten years and with a fine of Euro 1,000 to 4,000 euros. (128)
The penalty is imprisonment ((from seven to twenty years)) and a fine from Euro 5,000 to Euro 15,000, if any of the circumstances indicated in the last paragraph of the previous article occur.
Judgment 308/1990
the sentence 308/1990 of the Constitutional Court. «Sacrifice of individual health for the benefit of collective health is not allowed. The individual right to health is always without prejudice, even in the face of the generic collective interest ».
The assembly of the Council of Europe sanctions that "citizens are informed that vaccination is not mandatory ... no one must be discriminated against for not having been vaccinated due to possible health risks or for not wanting to get vaccinated"
Nuremberg 1945: "The administration of drugs (vaccines are) against the will of the subject is a crime against humanity".
Oviedo 2000: "A health treatment (such as the vaccine) can only be practiced if the interested party has given his free and informed consent".
Article 32 of the Constitution, "No one can be forced to undergo a certain medical treatment except by law. The law cannot, however, violate the limits imposed by respect for the human person".
Court of Rome, section 6 civil, with ordinance n. 45986/2020 RG of 16 December 2020 declares:
- ILLEGITIMATE ALL DPCMs from 31-01-2020;
- illegitimate method and merit of this state of emergency;
- void ALL the deeds deriving from them!.
The green PASS in the Official Gazette n.171 of 19 July 2021.
It should be noted that the decree law of 18 May 2021 n.65, establishing among other things the green pass for civil ceremonies, has not been converted into law within the envisaged terms. In these cases, the decree law lapses with retroactive effect.
It should be known that the law prohibits the renewal of the rules of a non-converted law decree.
In fact, this is explained to us very clearly by Law 400/88.
They lie while they can, but the truth is emerging and the people are increasingly aware of this.
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