The brand, the mark, and subversive governments
O God or mammon (Revelation 17).
Mark 12:30 So love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength ".
1 Timothy 4: 1-3;
1 But the Spirit explicitly says that in future times some will apostatize from the faith, paying heed to seductive spirits and the doctrines of demons, 2 misled by the hypocrisy of liars, marked by a brand in their conscience. 3 They will prohibit marriage and order to abstain from foods that God has created so that those who believe and have well known the truth may use it with thanksgiving.
Galatians 6: 15-17
15 For both circumcision and uncircumcision are nothing; what matters is being a new creature. 16 Upon those who walk according to this rule, may they be peace and mercy, and so may they be upon the Israel of God.
17 From now on, no one will trouble me, because I carry the mark of Jesus in my body.
Revelation 13:16 He also forced everyone, small and large, rich and poor, free and slaves, to have a mark placed on their right hand or forehead.
Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Who has intelligence, calculate the number of the beast, because it is a number of man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.
Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
6 and 9 August 1945.
Fascism's Trans Human Face
The brand is the payment card, first the dollar and then the electronic card, later strengthened by the microchip and molecular bioengineering programs.
After all, the works are evil and the London direction has made history now more than ever with finance and explosive debts.
From judges to the media with politics understood and militarized to the Freemasons, they are all conscious pawns or not that instead of God they choose money, mammon in fact, the great mother of Revelation 17,
The British Accreditation Registry BAR is the diary of man's great enemies.
As we can also see from the presence of statues in Catholic churches we can conclude that no one does good.
The second commandment is the first warning that our Lord GOD gives us and other prophets strongly advise him not to pray to idols, made by man's hand that cannot move.
Pedophilia is rampant even in selective kindergartens.
Liz Truss ’Global Britain Agenda Tries to Reverse Time - Strategic Culture
Matthew Ehret
August 17, 2022
Subversive governments,
All the Western heads of state work at the "deep state", is it a strategy they try to implement, that is to execerbate discontent to obtain from infiltrators the excuse of attacking and arresting the crowd with unlikely pretexts, remember the facts of Genoa at the G8? And the treatment they gave to the yellow vests? Politics is anti-human by removing the most inconvenient, and the Vatican with the statues is declared anti-CHRIST, just read the second commandment.
I draw a story from this article:
How did the wonderful potential of the French Revolution turn into a bloodbath of Jacobin terror and tyranny that led to the murder of Benjamin Franklin's key allies in France?
This is the end described in Matthew 24 and Daniel 12 where the abomination of desolation starts with covid19 and ends in November 2023.
Revelation 3; Matthew 24; Daniel 12;
Leviticus 18; Leviticus 19
From the Italian Criminal Code the articles,
Art. 270
Subversive associations
Art. 270-bis.
Associations with the purpose of terrorism, including international ones or subversion of the democratic order
Immigration promoted, where more rapes, crimes, fears, destabilizing even the private life.
Art. 270-quater.
Enlistment for terrorist purposes, including international ones.
Art. 270-ter.
Assistance to associates.
France, 04/09/2022
Andrea Salvatore Buffa
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