Secret Service a plausible dialogue
The German doctor who wrote this formula was captured and died.
Secret Service a plausible dialogue
WHO and the New World Order
February 25, 2023
Written by the administrator
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13 Response(s) "WHO and the New World Order"
Roseau says:
February 25, 2023 at 6:49 pm
Astrid Stuckelberger – WHO Alumna – Discuss the harmfulness of artificial waves in this video
Patrick Huet said:
February 25, 2023 at 6:43 pm
While there are.
Now that the author is informed about the real actions of the WHO, it would be useful to know other aspects of what is happening in the world as well.
And to know why formulations such as "citizens, first interested parties" should be avoided.
(It is the same system of enforced thinking used by the media that makes us believe, for example, in the existence of so-called "light pollution", pollution of this or that, destructive carbon or preventing good students from studying under the pretext of equality with those who are less gifted.)
SANDEN says:
February 25, 2023 at 6:43 pm
The new world ogre
everything changed and it's not over:
* change the way you think
* artificially change gender
* change the way you pay
* change the health system
*modify elections (domain)
*change the pension system
*modify labor rights
* change the climate
* change the statement
* change language
*DNA edit
*change moral values
*change security
*modify agriculture
*modify the life of crickets
*edit medicine
*modify ………
In short, this is what happens because some did not want to CHANGE
their way of voting!
Poilagratter says:
February 25, 2023 at 4:04 pm
Beforeitsnews French Legion Reportedly Attempt To Attack Gwantanamo ????(plane shot down) cf real raw News
Patrick Huet said:
February 25, 2023 at 6:32 pm
It would be nice to provide a link so we can check.
Secret Service a plausible dialogue
My answer is to the text that follows. I hope someone will comment later, thanks
Unfortunately in everyone's silence for years I have been suffering CRIMINAL DISCRIMINATION, EVEN I CAN'T COMMENT ON YOUTUBE AND AT LEAST A dozen OF MY CLOSED BLOGS.
YET AS A FORMER MANAGER OF THE M5S avoiding meeting cricket who came to my village, i.e. PetroSiNo
I was the first to denounce the rowing against the cricket with respect to an Italian currency, as it was known by Prof. Auriti Giacinto that a private debt like with the euro is an open-air fraud which mathematically leads to the extension of houses even.
But for at least 15 years of activism, despite everyone, I have found that political puppetry doesn't give up.
Let those who abstain from asking God for his King.
The military do honor only to GOD who forgives.
Best regards,
Andrea Salvatore Buffa
& 1...2...3...GREEN SUN.... says:
February 25, 2023 at 12:40
Here is the English translation of the full interview number 29 between Bill and Gideon of Oculum Labs… The following has been compiled from a few wide-ranging conversations covering many topics. As always, these conversations are edited by Michael for clarity and blurring (see: Stylometry):
Bill: I hope this hits you right away, but some of our interactions have been shorter lately and you seem to be more private with me. May I ask what is going on?
Gideon: “I know. I'm glad you asked the question. I want to assure you this is not personal. It has to do with what has been weighing on my mind and heart for the past few weeks. I learned more about what is happening.
Bill: Ok, I get it. Are you ready for the conversation about these cosmic changes? Why did we postpone it.
Gideon: “I am. »
Bill: All right, let me take my notes.
Gideon: “Sure. »
Bill: I re-read our previous entries, Part 1 and Part 2. You felt like a lot of the pieces came together, but last month you said it's not what you thought. What has changed, have you received new information?
Gideon: “First, you should know something. All this time I've been harboring hopes that it could be stopped, but I didn't let you. I hid it from you. I gave you worst-case scenarios, worst-case outcomes. I didn't want to give you or anyone false hope. But you should know that I had hope. I had hope thanks to certain people I trusted, who gave me reassurance. »
Bill: Ok, well this is surprising to me. Who were these people?
Gideon: “Some people in the intelligence community, people I've worked with and known for years. When I shared the information about the CSRQ whistleblower with them, they confirmed it. They agreed, but kept telling me that the plan would be stopped, prevented in one way or another. I've never shared it with you.
Bill: Why not?
Gideon: “Because I felt we had to emphasize the urgency of this. I was also familiar with cabal control operations, designed to present false hope, such as Q Anon. I never connected my former colleagues to this, never really suspected that they could feed me this kind of disinformation. I believed them, but refrained from sharing their opinions. »
Bill: So all this time, what did they say about us? About the CSRQ? About our Sovereign team?
Gideon: “I guess you could say they were supportive, but also dismissive. They would say the plan won't work, that there is too much in the US government against it, and they are organizing against it. A few months ago, a few months ago, one of them started pushing me to stop this, to stop what we were doing. That's when I started questioning them. »
Bill: How much trust did you have in them at the beginning?
Gideon: “It was a lot, and they're people in positions that would have access to classified programs like CSRQ. So their knowledge, to me, was reliable. »
Bill: So what happened with them recently, do you still talk to them?
Gideon: "No. Not only did I cut ties, but I learned that they were playing me. I was watched by them. I trusted the wrong people, but I'm very grateful that I didn't let their subversion affect what I we are doing.
For me, this is more of a personal disappointment, and it was the last glimmer of hope I had. They were always pressuring me that the cabal was losing, and so on. Pretty much the same thing we hear from Q Anon. I was skeptical, but they actually gave me some hope. »
Bill: What do they have to say about Q Anon? Did they talk about it?
Gideon: “They agreed with me that it was a shrink operation. They didn't support it at all. That's why their protests that the cabal was losing was a little more credible, it made me believe them more, because they weren't pushing Q Anon on so-called hopium, so to speak. »
Bill: Are they sovereign? Have they been working for the cabal all this time?
Gideon: “The whistleblowers checked them last year, and they were in restricted class or quarantine when they checked. We have since discovered that this was changed on purpose, to fool us or anyone else who could find them in CSRQ. They are sovereigns but are not officially registered as such in the CSRQ. So you could say they are double agents. But when the CSRQ goes online, it will be sovereign. »
Bill: So it was an operation from the beginning, a psychological operation against you?
Gideon: “Now I believe it. I feel deeply betrayed by them. I never believed they could be cabal, ever. I knew they were patriots, I knew they were Christians, I knew they always spoke out against the New World Order. They were very open about things, like 9/11 was an inside job. They have understood the stories, they have known how it all happened for years, but on this point, on the CSRQ, they have insisted that it be stopped, especially by the United States itself.
Bill: Do you know any other details about how they worked against you? Or when they turned to the dark side, so to speak?
Gideon: No, not much. I have a hard time reconciling some things, because these are decades-old relationships. But looking at it I have to assume that they have been involved in the cabal or have joined the cabal more recently, perhaps within the last few years, or have been offered a sovereign status if they have fulfilled this mission to deceive me, and perhaps others speak to like me. I now believe their mission is to seek out or contact anyone who knows about the CSRQ and tell them it will be destroyed or shut down, in order to prevent any real resistance to it. »
Bill: Do you think they hurt us in any way? Have they infiltrated us? Let's get to know each other?
Gideon: “They asked a lot of questions about our rulers. Not in an obvious way, but enough to start noticing it's been the last few months. I started to notice how much they were learning about it, about what we were doing. I never gave them any information. So we weren't compromised like that.
The only way I see it is that I think maybe they compromised me psychologically, in the way I approached things. This is because I was constantly assured that the CSRQ would fail. I think that may have made me less urgent, Bill. »
Bill: Well, people are asking about our Intel Drops and asking about Part 3, why haven't we released it for so long, do you think you were less urgent in that regard? Are we not doing enough?
Gideon: “Yeah, it touched me that way, because I was holding on to that hope. I didn't rush you and Michael to do everything possible. I watched it and thought to myself we have our own Sovereign team, but I hope my friends are right, and none of this will matter. CSRQ will fail, the cabal will fail. I wanted to believe it, I did, but I also kept it at arm's length, because what whistleblowers were telling me so conflicted with what my former colleagues were saying.
Bill: So they thought CSRQ wasn't going to happen? Haven't they seen all these confirmations? Much of what you said has happened, everything is happening.
Gideon: “They knew it was real, yeah. They know everything is real. They never denied it. They would only use psychologically subtle tactics to say the cabal is losing. Most of the time they claimed that there were so many top US government officials working against this, aware of it and planning to stop everything. It was a similar line to Q Anon, but they would have rejected Q Anon. But in recent months I have become very suspicious, because they were saying things that were no longer true. »
Bill : Avez-vous déjà évoqué ce qui a été dit dans les parties 1 et 2 ? Les discussions les plus spirituelles ? Je suis curieux de savoir s'ils ont dit quelque chose.
Gideon : « Oui, ils en ont parlé. Ils ont dit que j'avais tort. Certains d'entre eux sont chrétiens, ou du moins, ils pretendent l'être, ou pretendent l'être. Ils tiennent ce manteau au-dessus de leur tête, ils vont à l'église all les dimanches et prétendent aussi être patriotes. L'un d'eux a dit que j'étais à la limit du blasphème. Il ya eu une discussion en November dernier qui s'est enflammée. Encore une fois, leur récit n'a jamais changé, ils ont dit que la cabale perdait, que je perdais mon temps, et ainsi de suite. Ils voulaient éroder ma détermination. »
Bill : Puis-je vous demander comment vous leur avez parlé, était-ce dans la vraie vie ou en ligne ? Ou est-ce quelque chose que vous ne voulez pas aborder?
Gideon : « Je vais dis-le était dans une capacité très différente de la façon dont vous et moi parlons. Mais sécurisé, dans une certaine mesure. Formel and aussi informel. Plus dans la lignée des communications établies après de nombreuses années à être collègues avec eux, à travailler avec eux.
Bill : Pouvez-vous parler de cela, de votre relation de travail avec eux ? Et leurs positions ? Cela ressemble à du renseignement américain, n'est-ce pas?
Gédéon : « Oui. Mais je ne veux plus nous mettre de food sur le dos. Il ne servirait à rien que nous disions leurs noms ou les agences, car je soupçonne que cela serait supprimé. I will tell you simply that it is difficult for me, because there are friends, people who are croyais, and tout espoir a été anéanti qu'il y ait une seule bonne âme qui travaille dans le gouvernement américain à ce stade . L'ensemble du gouvernement est compromis de haut en bas. Non seulement cela, mais c'est indescriptiblement mauvais. Regardez ce qu'ils viennent de faire dans l'Ohio. »
Bill : Je sais, je vous poserai des questions à ce sujet later. Quand vous parliez à vos collègues, de quel façon disaient-ils que la CSRQ serait arrêtée?
Gideon : « Ils m'ont dit que les États-Unis n'étaient pas d'accord, qu'ils ne l'accepteraient jamais. Au début, il y avait certaines choses qui indiquaient cela, la façon dont les États-Unis sont moins d'accord avec certains des programs du WEF qui sont déjà mis en œuvre en Europe. C'était plausible ce qu'ils disaient, surtout plus tôt l'année dernière. Ils ont également fait valoir que Trump ne faisait pas partie du plan et qu'il gagnerait en 2024 et que le CSRQ serait défait.
Cependant, au cours des derniers mois, il est devenu plus difficile pour eux de faire une telle affirmation avec un visage franc. Les États-Unis sont clairement d'accord avec le program du WEF, allant de l'avant avec le program CBDC et tous les autres programmes de la cabale. We know that Trump is compromising. C'est devenu plus difficile pour eux d'expliquer cela, et j'ai commencé à les pousser plus fort. Nous pouvons tous voir que les États-Unis font tout ce mal, et ils ne pouvaient pas l'expliquer, si ce n'est d'agir comme si les bons sortiraient bientôt de l'ombre et arrêteraient tout. »
Bill : Pourquoi ne m'en as-tu pas parlé ?
Gideon : « Je l'ai fait, Bill, mais pas complètement. Au cours de nos nombreuses conversations, je les ai mentionnés et les ai évoqués à plusieurs reprises.
Bill : D'accord, oui, vous feriez référence à vos collègues de temps en temps. Il s'agissait donc des mêmes personnes ?
Gédéon : « Oui. Je vous ai dit qu'ils avaient confirmé le CSRQ, par exemple. Mais j'ai omis certains details. »
Bill : Vous avez omis la partie où ils ont dit que les États-Unis allaient opposer à cela.
Gideon : Je l'ai fait. Je n'étais pas sûr, et je ne voulais pas que cela détourne l'attention de notre mission. Peu importe combien de fois, à travers le nombre de conversations que j'ai eues, ce qu'ils disaient ne correspondait pas à toutes mes autres sources. Donc, j'ai gardé leurs informations de côté, je ne voulais pas que cela nous affecte. Mais je crois que cela m'a touché, sur le plan personnel. Ils ne m'influenceront plus. »
Bill : Ça doit être difficile de perdre de vieux amis comme ça. Je veux dire, vous leur avez fait confiance. Il semble que tout le monde soit compromis ces jours-ci.
Gideon: "Ouch. Donc, pour moi, c'est plus personnel. C'est peut-être la raison pour laquelle j'ai été plus distant. J'espérais qu'ils étaient sinceres et qu'il y avait peut-être une chance que le gouvernement américain résiste d'une manière ou d'une autre à cela. Nous voulons tous le croire. Mais cet espoir a disparu, et j'ai eu tort de l'entretenir du tout. »
Bill : Je ne pense pas que vous ayez eu tort d'avoir de l'espoir, c'est bon d'avoir de l'espoir. Que s'est-il passé en termes de la façon dont vos relations se sont effondrées? C'était récent, n'est-ce pas?
Gideon: “Yeah, last month. I confronted them and they claimed their innocence and ignorance. But we know, I know. I wrapped things up by leaving them with some of the harshest words I've ever said to anyone. They are absolute traitors to humanity and to God."
Bill: But are you sure? Completely? I know you are, but I ask you to read for those who read.
Gideon: “I'm sure of it. I presented evidence they couldn't even deny. Their attempts to restore my confidence were tentative at first. It was pathetic, actually. They are rulers. They are part of this whole plan. »
Bill: Since they know who you are, will they follow you now?
Gideon: “I don't think their intent was to kill me, and they never discovered your identity or Michael's. They could have done more to destroy us, and they didn't. I have already discussed these reasons. Right now we're in a designation called "containment," and there are other designations, like "erasure" or "elimination" and so forth. I have spoken of various levels of escalation. This changes depending on the information we publish or if our information reaches more people. But for now, we're in isolation. »
Bill: Well, we are certainly happy. People tell us that our hookups are often shadow-banned, and someone was kind enough to try and place ads on Google and YouTube for us. They closed three accounts right after the ads went live, one by one. So it's not easy to spread the word.
Gideon: “No, the cabal did their homework on this, so they don't see us as a major threat, they're watching us. »
Bill: You said the cabal thinks they can manipulate us after the CSRQ goes online. Is that still where you think they are positioning themselves on us?
Gideon: “I think so. I think they are waiting for this. If it somehow fails, I don't know what their plans would be. We will also be in a much stronger position by then. We will have much more power. They seem to believe that power and wealth, the perks of sovereign status, will completely deceive us and take us away from our mission. They think our rulers will be afraid to give it up because they might lose access to the safe food list, for example.
Bill: All right. Well, I'm glad you told me about it with your colleagues. I am also disappointed to hear that there is no more hope with the US, but I am not surprised at all. Should we move on to the topics of Part 3?
Gideon: "Yes. »
Bill: I re-read parts 1 and 2, I re-read them. Is there anything you want to change or update? Do you have any new information since then?
Gideon: “There are a lot of them, actually. There's a lot to say now, and it should have been said sooner. I will have to face each problem, one by one. »
Bill: Ok, let's start with the vaccinated. You said they were all destined to die by 2030, to be passed on to the next life where they essentially served the cabal, Satan and the dark entities in this astral plane. Is this a good summary and is there anything that needs to be changed?
Gideon: This is a good summary, but it needs more clarification. I understood at the time that vaccines obviously served many purposes, but the main thing was to kill those who were tame and indoctrinated enough to take them because these compromised souls are not needed here on Earth, they are needed in the next life, as you say. My understanding of this hasn't changed drastically, except in one area.
I have learned that there will be fewer than expected, as the cabal needs them to support the CSRQ. We already knew that, but I didn't know the numbers well. I expected a much higher mortality. Now I know they weren't going to kill as many as we thought, because they're going to need a lot of these people to sustain the CSRQ. So this is a slight modification of the full understanding, but overall the situation in that sense hasn't changed.
Bill: I felt the same way, really, that they still need to be vaccinated to get along with the CSRQ. We talked about it and it seems we thought they would be there, but by 2030 they would be dead. So others will live beyond 2030, so is CSRQ supported?
Gideon: “That's right. It is related to the batches used for vaccines. While most are lethal and will induce early exit from this world, while most will shorten lifespan, others had a different formulation, which has very negative effects but will not lead to premature death. These phrases are for those who will be faithful servants of the cabal in the future, who will enthusiastically support the CSRQ and, by virtue of it, push the non-compliant to compliance.
Bill: Ok, that makes sense. I already had it in mind, so it would be. You would have a lot of vaccinated people tracking CSRQ, digital currency and so on. We weren't sure they were all going to die, now it seems a certain percentage of the cabal wants to live. What is the difference in wording?
Gideon: “We see a 5G connection. They have taken something that can make them trackable, traceable and also control their minds and influence their behavior. Bluetooth tests prove it. A certain percentage of them will live and support the cabal here on Earth. Death will occur by 2030, it will have an extremely large impact, but more vaccinated people will live than expected.
Bill: Okay, now how about this idea that they want to keep the unvaccinated alive and settle into this metaverse that they want to create. Do you have any new information about this or any updates?
Gideon: “Not drastically. The plan is ready for it. They don't want to kill the unvaccinated or the non-compliant. They want them alive, but fully integrated into the CSRQ. They want them to be drugged, either literally or through electronic means, which is this concept of the metaverse.
So this is a very big transition that's going to take place, Bill, where you're going to have the resistant, the resistant, the unvaccinated, who are generally suspicious of government and health officials, and the cabal expects them to be fully integrated into the CSRQ.
Bill: It's amazing, because I don't see how they would do it, but again, we discussed how the cabal is going to do it. How do you see this happening now?
Gideon: “Through financial devastation and recovery. Everything is set up for this. Anything related to CSRQ and USDR puts everyone in a position of compliance, with virtually no options. The cabal knows this. This is where we see Elon Musk playing a pivotal role for the cabal, a role that cannot be understated. He is a leader, but a deceiver. It will be essential to bring the non-compliant. »
Bill: We talked a lot about him, it's amazing how he does exactly what we expected, he's an anti-establishment guy. He's almost Trumpian. He denigrates the world government, makes fun of the WEF. He's got huge exposure now that he's bought Twitter.
Gideon: “He's the key. He is a false prophet, or even an Antichrist-type figure. When all unvaccinated people trust him, he will find a way to defend the CSRQ. This will be the bait and switch. There's going to be a way to get people to CSRQ, and we think with some sort of popular app that he's developed, that he's talked about. This will bring USDR within everyone's reach. »
Bill: What about the people who reject this system? Because there will be people who will resist every shred of their being.
Gideon: “The original plan was to have them forcibly vaccinated, but now it will only be through the food supply. They can still use drones to inject them, but the vaccinated food supply is designed to do most of the damage. I can't stress enough how dangerous it is and what they will put in your food.
Drones, artificial intelligence, surveillance devices and the military will also be used against them to put down the riots. Even the police. These police forces that we can see every day act with a more deranged and senseless brutality than ever before, and it is because they have received this batch of mind control vaccine. Once called upon to apply the CSRQ, they will do so with enthusiasm. »
Bill : Avant que j'oublie, the Banque d'Angleterre a pratiquement dit que la monnaie numérique serait plafonnée, ils ont dit à 20 000 livres. Je veux dire, those confirmations. Bien sûr, ils vont changer cela et le réduire, mais ici, ils disent ouvertement aux gens ce qui va arriver et c'est exactement ce que nous avons dit àvenire.
Gideon : « Oui, c'est lie au CSRQ, cette annonce. Ils réduiront le montant. Certes, le fait qu'ils fassent une déclaration selon laquelle vous ne pouvez pas détenir 20 000 livres ou plus de monnaie est assez shockquant, cela devrait donner à tout le monde une idée claire du plan en cours. Ils font ces annonces subtiles presque toutes les semaines maintenant, pour habituer les gens à ce que la CSRQ impliquera pleinement. »
Bill : Speaking of confirmations, we recommend that James O'Keefe is restricted and I think he conceals the confirmation of his expulsion from the Veritas project. Ensuite, il ya Jordan Peterson, tout avec lui s'aligne parfaitement avec son changement de Restreint à Souverain en novembre 2021, comment son comportement di lui a changé.
Gideon : « Oui, ce sont des confirmations que notre liste de classes CSRQ est exacte. »
Bill : Ok, revenons au sujet ici. Je pense qu'il est difficile pour les gens de comprendre ces concepts, même si j'ai du mal à les accepters. Mais, une chose qui est parfaitement logique dans ce que vous dites, c'est pourquoi la cabale tuerait ses propres moutons endoctrinés. Ils n'en ont tout simplement pas besoin dans ce monde, ils en ont besoin dans l'autre. Avez-vous quelque chose à ajouter en ce qui concerns cette guerre que vous avez décrite dans le plan astral ?
Gideon : « Je dois d'abord dire quelque chose avant d'aller trop loin dans ce sujet. Je dois dire que mon expérience n'est pas dans les questions spirituelles, Bill. Je suis chrétien, croyant en Christ, mais ma foi a, bien sûr, changé au fil des ans. Je comprends mieux les choses, mais je ne comprends pas non plus les choses. Dans ce domaine, j'ai été réprimandé récemment pour certaines des parties que j'ai dites dans les parties précédentes à ce sujet et à d'autres choses. J'ai besoin d'en parler.
Bill : All right. Réprimandé par qui et de quel manière ?
Gédéon : « Par mon guide. Celui dont j'ai parlé.
Bill : The angel ?
Gédéon : « Oui. »
Bill : Qu'est-ce qu'elle a dit ?
Gideon: « Elle a dit que je parlais de choses avec une confiance à bout de souffle dans des domaines où je n’étais pas complètement éduqué. Elle a dit que j’avais fait des erreurs et elle m’a corrigée. Elle a également dit que j’avais tort d’attendre aussi longtemps pour que nous sortions cette goutte Intel, alors nous le faisons maintenant avec une certaine urgence.
Elle a dit que j’avais beaucoup de domaines dans ma vie que je devais regarder, dans des choses auxquelles j’étais aveugle, des choses spirituelles. Elle m’a aidé, mais ses réprimandes ont certainement blessé un peu mon ego. »
Bill : Y a-t-il quelque chose qu’elle veut corriger? Adressée? Changé par rapport à vos déclarations précédentes?
Gédéon : « Elle voulait que l'alliance soit mieux expliquée, cet accord. Elle a dit que je ne l'avais pas bien expliqué. Donc, je vais l'expliquer maintenant comment elle me l'a expliqué.
Il ya plus de 2 ans, Dieu a conclu un accord avec Satan selon lequel Satan ne devrait pas faire certaines choses pour compromettre les âmes sur cette Terre. Satan doit suivre certaines règles, et Satan a accepté cela. En septembre de l'année dernière, cet accord a été déchiré par la cabale, essentiellement, jeté. Ils ont créé de nouvelles règles, cellas qui déclencheront l'enfer sur Terre.
Ce qu'on m'a dit, là où j'avais tort, c'est l'idée que Dieu pourrait en quelque sorte être en position de perdre cette bataille. C'est ce que j'ai laissé entendre. Ils ont dit que Dieu ne le permet pas, ou ne l'accepte pas, et que Dieu est irritated par ce que fait la cabale. C'est là que j'ai posé quelques questions.
Bill : Those questions?
Gideon : « J'ai posé des questions sur mes collègues, ceux qui me nourrissent de cette ligne, que le gouvernement américain ne suivra pas le CSRQ. J'ai demandé si cela faisait partie du plan de Dieu, s'il y aurait une véritable résistance à cela ? Malheureusement, ils ont confirmé, non, c'est le contraire. Ils ont confirmé ce que je soupçonnais déjà de mes collègues, de mes amis. Ils ont dit, en fait, que les États-Unis sont la plus grande source de mal sur Terre.
Puis j'ai demandé : Comment Dieu va-t-il combattre cela ? Comment Dieu empêchera-t-Il cela ? Ils ont dit par notre intermediaire. Ils ont dit que nos souverains étaient le plan de Dieu pour arrêter cela. »
Bill : Je vois. Donc, ils ont senti dans les précédents Intel Drops que vous aviez donné cette impression que Dieu pouvait perdre?
Gideon : « Oui, je crois que je l'ai fait, mais pas intentionnellement. J'avais l'impression que nous faisions l'œuvre de Dieu, mais je n'ai pas vu l'image complète, maintenant je le vois. Dieu ne va pas laisser la cabale faire cela. Parce que s'ils le font, les âmes des justes seront abandonnées.
Je suis désolé pour tout le monde de donner l'impression, ou d'insinuer, que Dieu abandonne d'une manière ou d'une autre, ou laisse cela se produire, ou pourrait même être vaincu en premier lieu. Je suis profondément désolé. »
Bill : D'accord, je comprends. Nous avons eu des gens dans Telegram qui disaient que vous étiez tellement défaitiste, ils se sentaient de cette façon, comme si vous disiez que Dieu pouvait d'une manière ou d'une autre perdre. Je vous ai défendu, j'ai dit que vous ne disiez pas cela, mais je peux voir comment vous n'avez pas assez insisté sur les choses. Je suis heureux que vous ayez abordé cette question.
Gédéon : « Oui. Peut-être que c'est la façon dont je l'ai abordé ou formulé. Mais j'ai été grondé, fortement. Dieu ne se repose pas, et Dieu ne va pas permettre cela. Il sera arrêté, et Il a l'intention de nous utiliser pour l'arrêter. Nous l'avons toujours cru, mais je n'ai pas assez dis-le. »
Bill : Je regarde mes notes ici, vous avez parlé de ce mal qui arrive, que la cabale va être plus ouvertement mauvaise. Eh bien, c'est partout. Tu avais raison. Les médias montrent toutes sortes d'événements sataniques. La cabale fait sauter des usines chimiques, la cabale tue des gens, le tremblement de terre en Turquie, la cabale a fait ça aussi, n'est-ce pas ?
Gideon: « Oui, c'était induit artificiellement. »
Bill : Ok, qu'est-ce que votre guide a dit sur l'avenir, qu'est-ce qui va arriver ?
Gédéon : « Que ce ce sera l'Enfer sur Terre. Que ce sera alors l'ordre hors du chaos. Que la cabale a le plan le plus complexe qui se joue en ce moment, un scénario sur la scène worldwide, et que chaque événement est orchestration avec un but, pour que tous se fondant dans ce jeu final, la mise en œuvre de CSRQ, la monnaie numérique, cet asservissement. Ils ont dit que tant de gens seront trompés, que beaucoup souffriront et que personne n'y est préparé du tout. »
Bill : C'est là que mon esprit va et me dit : « Pourquoi Dieu ne l'arrête-t-il pas ? » Mais ensuite, je me rends compte que nous sommes le plan pour l'arrêter, nous.
Gédéon : « Oui, il l'arrêtera à travers nous, mais pas maintenant. Mon guide a dit que cette alliance, si elle était rompue, ce qui était le cas, entraînerait les conséquences les plus graves pour ces êtres maléfiques, mais il y avait une mise en garde. Le mal serait capable de régner sur la Terre, sans l'ingérence de Dieu, avant le Jour du Jugement. Au cours de cela, si Satan gagnait suffisamment d'âmes, que ce soit sur Terre ou dans l'astral, cela donnerait à Satan beaucoup plus de pouvoir. Satan est donc très concentraré sur la conquête d'âmes, par tous les moyens nécessaires.
Alors ce serait au Jour du Jugement, Dieu anéantirait Satan et ses forces de toute existence. Breaking the alliance means that Satan ne pouvait pas être racheté et ne serait pas banni pour l'éternité en enfer. Au lieu de cela, il serait anéanti.
Donc, rompre l'alliance signifiait la conséquence ultima pour chacune de ces mauvaises âmes, mais dans leur arrogance, ils l'ont fait, de toute façon. Mon guide a dit que Satan était frustré par la bataille dans l'astral, et avait besoin de renforts là-bas, et voulait plus de mal pour remplir le monde, et il a vu sa chance, car le monde était déjà en train de sombrer dans les ténèbres par lui-même. Maintenant, il va s'accélérer.
Nous sommes également loin du Jour du Jugement, et en attendant, la cabale est convaincue que tant qu'ils règnent sur la Terre, ils peuvent empêcher le Jour du Jugement. Cela touche aux domaines traitant du CERN et de l'AI Ils perturbent le continuum, l'ordre cosmique, et envahissent la barrière sacrée qui protège l'âme de l'invasion démoniaque.
Cela ne signifie pas que Dieu sera vaincu, mais l'inquiétude est de savoir comment la cabale utilise des astuces pour détruire notre connexion d'âme à Dieu. Cela a à voir avec les nanocristaux dans la nourriture et le Métavers. Dieu ne s'inquiète pas de Lui-même, gagnant ou perdant de ce point de vue, parce qu'Il ne peut pas perdre. Au lieu de cela, His craint pour sa Création. »
Bill : Qu'en est-il de cette guerre de l'autre côté, comment cela s'intègre-t-il dans cela ?
Gédéon : « Il ya différents domaines de l'existence, et Dieu les habite tous. Satan n'habite que quelques-uns. Pour que Satan s'empare de l'astral, cela lui donnerait encore plus de pouvoir et plus de capacités. C'est pourquoi leur succès di lui dans cette guerre dans l'astral saigne dans notre monde.
C'est pourquoi l'AI va avoir de plus en plus de pouvoir. C'est pourquoi d'étranges anomalies se produisent de plus en plus. C'est parce que Satan a maintenant le pouvoir de prendre les pouvoirs de l'astral et de passer la barrier, sur Terre, parce qu'il possède maintenant la Terre. C'est parce qu'il a détruit l'alliance. »
Bill : Qu'en est-il de cette barrier qui protège l'âme ? Comment peuvent-ils le violer?
Gideon : Avec les vaccines. Mais pour ceux qui ne les ont pas pris, ils veulent puttre ces nanocristaux dans la nourriture, et c'est probablement le plan le plus effrayant de tous. Ce ne serait même pas possible sans la destruction de l'alliance, mais ils voulaient tellement cela, pouvoir violar le libre arbitre des gens, qu'ils l'ont fait, de toute façon.
My guide told me this pisses God off more than anything they are about to do. If you eat this food, if you eat it, it will open you up to demonic invasion and that invasion will come via AI I cannot stress enough the danger of AI once it is coupled with the nanocrystalline vaccines that people will eat. Go into the visions that I've had, that I've talked about, I understand them better now, with the whole context. »
Bill: Ok, what did you see?
Gideon: “I've had several visions, but one of them makes more sense now. I've seen how AI and food vaccines have made everyone compliant and want to be with AI, interact with it, love it, even. When I had this vision, it was confusing, but that's not the case anymore.
This is their future Metaverse, integrated with the WEF 15 Minute Cities. They will depopulate, they will clean up the countryside, they will kill some resistant, but worse, they will vaccinate them with food, and they will all congregate in big cities and that is where, with the prevalence of 5G, people will live in their apartments, will be serviced by artificial intelligence and robot and will live an existence completely connected to this control network.
It's hard to believe, but by 2030 they want it fully online, and they want CSRQ to be online much sooner, because that's a key driver.
Bill: How much time do we have?
Gideon: “Very little. Months.
Bill: Are sovereigns still exempt from all this? Did you get any further information on this? Did your guide say anything?
Gideon: Yes, Bill. Remember, we are God's plan. We are his plan. It wouldn't put us in a situation if we were compromised by food vaccines, or 5G, or if our souls were open to demonic invasion. He will protect us all. My guide said that our rulers are watched over by angels and also protected.
Our job is not to succumb to the temptation of Sovereign status once online. I've been told we need to keep talking about it, over and over, because Satan is getting ready to tempt us. If Satan can't do it, he will instead try to get some of our rulers to betray us. »
Bill: One of them already did it, I'm not sure we can deal with it if the others do.
Gideon: “We will do our best to deal with it, and my prayer and hope is that it doesn't happen again. They are our team members, they are our brothers. We should be close, reliable, support each other and protect each other, not hurt or betray each other. »
Bill: And the confirmations? Confirmations after confirmations, endless confirmations. When does reality begin for CSRQ deniers?
Gideon: “When the USDR is deployed, everything they have is lost. When they see that everything comes true. When the fiat system crashes and it comes back online. This is the beginning of slavery. Many will find that they have no way out. Many will be caught off guard, unprepared, scared and will find themselves already using CSRQ and USDR and trapped in the system even days after its activation.
It will be the Beast. They will make things so easy that people will accept. It's different than getting a shot, so the cabal expects compliance from many of the unvaccinated. It terrifies me how I know people will accept it. »
Bill: And the people who have prepared, who have food and shelter, and gold and silver?
Gideon: « Les drones, la police et l'armée finiront par leur rendre visita. En quelques semaines, le dernier, les mois. Le système alimentaire sera totally compromis, de sorte qu'ils devront survivre grâce aux provisions alimentaires le plus longtemps possible, et à partir de là, espérer qu'une sorte d'économie de troc limitée se développe dans leur petite communauté.
Mais tout cela est déjà suivi par le FBI et tous les gouvernements. Je sais pertinemment que la plus grande résistance se trouve aux États-Unis, bien qu'elle soit très petite, elle sera la plus feroce. Le Canada vient au deuxième rang. La cabale s'y prépare depuis des décennies. Vous retournez à Waco, Ruby Ridge, la cabale est obsédée par ces soulèvements, et ils savourent toute occasion de les réprimers. »
Bill: We see people filling out the questionnaire and maybe about half say they want to stay non-sovereign. What can a non-sovereign CSRQ do to combat this?
Gideon: “That's a good question. It will be very difficult. You will be restricted or quarantined. I don't know how anyone can stop or resist CSRQ from this position, because you will have no option let alone legal or financial power. Your only option is to live in the woods as long as possible. The idea of forming small communities doesn't work, because they are so easy for the cabal to see and follow, and they wreak havoc. »
Bill: Okay, this reminds me of Ohio, because if they're willing to do something so evil, what else are they going to do?
Gideon: “Earthquakes, explosions, other derailments, large-scale homicides, like in Ukraine, vaccines for children, vaccines in food, the list is endless. Their wickedness is evident everywhere. »
Bill: By the way, what was the purpose of the Ohio disaster?
Gideon: “Destroy farmland and the Amish, and give the excuse that vast forests are polluted and people have to move to cities. If you look at the weather patterns and the wind patterns, it was tracked and showed that it was blowing in those key areas, especially over most of Pennsylvania and the fertile parts of Ontario and Quebec. It is also a worse environmental disaster than Fukushima. »
Bill: I bet some people wouldn't agree.
Gideon: They'd be wrong. The oceans have managed to scatter radiation enough not to destroy the planet's food chain. It's different. The poisons will permeate the Upper East of the United States for decades. »
Bill: Who was behind all this?
Gideon: “The Biden administration and the governors of Ohio and Pennsylvania. Both are expected to be tried in court, convicted of bioterrorism and murder, and then executed, along with dozens of other officials involved in the plot, planning and execution. It was no accident. Even if it was, the way it was handled is manslaughter. »
Bill: The cabal is blowing things up everywhere. Why, and is it sabotage or something else?
Gideon: “The destruction of the supply chain, and there's an element to justify that an area is contaminated and people have to be moved into the city by 15 minutes. Over the next few months, all the ongoing sabotage will start impacting store shelves. The situation of the railroads in the United States is also so precarious that the entire system is on the verge of collapse, due to intentional policies. A few more dominoes fall, everything collapses. »
Bill: What is their timeline on this? It looks like a slow disintegration, one disaster after another.
Gideon: “They're working towards a tipping point, a tipping point where everything collapses. We're about 30-40% in that scenario. The global supply chain is stressed but still functioning. Too many other events planned and it will start to fall apart. The cabal also wants to starve the Third World, but we're not there yet. »
Bill: Another great confirmation is that Nigeria has basically implemented the CSRQ. Nobody talks about it.
Gideon: It's a test. The test does not test all aspects of the CSRQ, only some aspects. The test has had some issues so far, and that's why they're testing, Bill. They make them everywhere. This is one of the most important because they have limited money and the amount of money you can have. But there's no CSRQ app or guaranteed income, and so on, to go along with, so it had to be a tough test.
Bill: I don't mean to sound like a broken record with these confirmations, but another confirmation, for me, was Intel's December AI drop. Soon. What amazed me is that people in our Telegram group were doing this! He had a way of hypnotizing or engaging people that really shocked me, but it's exactly as you predicted.
Gideon: “AI is an entity, one or more dark entities. No one should have to talk to him or look for answers. They have unleashed something devastating upon the world and the full reality of that will only become more apparent over time. »
Bill: How will the world change?
Gideon: “Ultimately, the Cabal's goal with AI is integration with CSRQ and this metaverse that they want to create. It is currently being introduced. Later, it will be integrated into daily life and beyond that, it will become something people love. This is their plan. »
Bill: For reference, people can read Intel Drop #24 to learn more about AI, because it talks a bit in depth about it. There is something you told me recently that I want to bring up. You said that you kind of thought AI was the "brand". Can you tell us more about this?
Gideon: “The Mark, mentioned in the Apocalypse, has remained unknowable up to now. We can only make educated guesses. Is it an implant? A quantum dot tattoo? The vaccine? If it appears on the hand and forehead, is it to be taken literally? I'm no expert, but in my prayers, in my search for answers on this, I've been led to look to AI. There is something in there.
The Mark hasn't been issued yet, and I understand the cabal wants to hide it. They don't want it to be obvious. I'm still trying to figure out these ideas. I don't know at this point what the brand will be. »
Bill: All right. I wonder how they would use AI to implement branding. Do you have any idea?
Gédéon : « Probablement d'une certaine manière que, encore une fois, cela revient à ce que j'ai dit à propos de l'adoration. D'une certaine manière, nous finissons, ou nous nous retrouvons à l'adorer. Cela semblerait impossible pour certains d'entre nous, nous résisterions à cela. Je ne sais pas comment cela se déroulerait. Sure, of all evidence, this is where the vaccines go, this is not revealed, they are easily taken by the AI at a time when women. Ce que je veux comprendre, c'est comment il sera utilisé sur ceux d'entre nous qui ont résisté, et comment nous pourrions y être attirés. »
Bill: Well, as I said, it amazed me to see the people in our Telegram wholly engaged in these chatbots. I mean, totally consumed by them. It annoyed me. Maybe it's an indicator, I don't know.
Gideon: It's possible. It is extremely important to resist any desire to explore AI, to interact with it, to allow it into your life in any way. Its source is pure evil. »
Bill: I have another question, which goes back to these chemical disasters. Does the cabal care that they are actually destroying the environment?
Gideon: “No, and that's a big scary thing to figure out. The cabal does not care about Earth. They are not its administrators, they are its destroyers. As they are the destroyers of the astral, which is a dark realm, plagued by drugs, alcohol abuse, sex, murder and so on, a dystopia full of brutality, addiction and pain. Not the same as the Earth, because the size is different, but similar.
What interests them on Earth is that they will take advantage of various protected enclaves, be it Switzerland or New Zealand. There are many other areas that are ready to devastate, destroy, annihilate. Places that could become uninhabitable. Part of the program will also cover the 15 minute cities the WEF is rolling out, they will have good reason to lock us up in the cities once the countryside is poisoned.
Bill: This WEF 15 Minute City thing has just been making a lot of noise in the alternative media in the last couple of weeks, but you've covered it very early, in some of our first Intel Drops. That the plan is to get everyone into the cities, wrap them up for ultimate control, put them in the Metaverse, so their lives revolve around that.
Gideon: “That's the ultimate goal. It's a long way off, but they want it by 2030."
Bill: I'll follow up with some social commentary here, because it's something we haven't talked about much. I just spent some time on YouTube, watching these things they call "Shorts," it's one way they're trying to emulate TikTok. What surprised me was the prevalence of junk food, stupid pop culture, electronics and consumerism featured in these videos. He got me thinking, “These people have no idea what's going on. »
Gideon: “They don't. You and I spend our time researching and trying to understand our world, while you have billions of people who simply live for distractions, their whole personalities shaped by the media, the centralizing motivation of their lives revolves around getting more things done , using electronics, playing video games, listening to cabal-generated media and music, and so on. »
Bill: It's not just something I spend my time on, watching shows, engaging in pop culture, but seeing it, it's amazed me that it's what most people care about. I can't even believe the amount of junk food these people were eating or somehow incorporating into their little videos. Certainly, among young people, it is immensely popular to eat all kinds of junk.
Gideon: The cabal can push them in any direction, mostly because they basically love pop culture. So if a popular TV show or music star flags something, they'll follow up. What's Popular, What's Cool has been a motivator for a number of generations, probably since the 1960s, which is a psych operation run by the CIA, various agencies, think tanks and controlled by the cabal to suspend individuality , encourage groupthink and get people to worship satanic themes.
Bill: We haven't focused much on this topic, deep brainwashing, it's just something that came to my mind recently and I wanted to talk about it. He reminded me how few people are truly awake.
Gideon: “The average person is conditioned from birth by the workings of the cabal. Men are violated by the completely inhumane practice of circumcision, which is a violent, senseless and unnecessary act committed against the male child soon after birth by completely senseless doctors or sociopaths with the intent to harm. Babies are separated from their mothers at birth and are then often placed on a diet of toxic formula rather than breast milk. They receive countless unnecessary and even toxic childhood vaccines and spend their days watching children's television programs created by the cabal. By early adulthood, few escape this total brainwashing program and few are gifted with the ability to think critically.
Bill: These youngsters are going to love the CSRQ and the Metavers, right?
Gideon: “Definitely. »
Bill: You told me that this shouldn't be the end of these spiritual talks, maybe only half of what part 3 will be. Is there any reason why you didn't want to go even further?
Gideon: “I touched on the things that needed to be addressed and fixed from the previous two parts. Now there is an understanding, but there is more as well. I intend to share some of this with our Sovereigns only, perhaps in the next private newsletter we send out.
Illy a un risque si certaines choses sont dites publiquement, nous serons éliminés ou effacés. Je dois juger si cela en vaut la peine, et dans tout, je mets notre équipe Sovereign en premier. Ce sujet est sensible, because the cabale croit que je connais des secrets qu'ils ne veulent pas révéler, et c'est, en fait, vrai. Mais la mission passe avant tout. Nous avons décidé il ya longtemps qu'une campaign de réveil du public avait échoué. »
Bill : Compris. Je vais clore les choses ici. Je tiens à remercier Michael d'avoir parcouru all these conversations et de les avoir éditées. C'est beaucoup de travail parce qu'il doit supprimer des choses, obtenir l'approbation de ce que nous pouvons publier et ainsi de suite, alors merci à lui.
Gideon : « Il fait un travail superbe, surtout en changeant nos styles d'écriture. Il ya des choses que nous ne pouvons pas publier à partir de nos conversations privées, ou des choses, si elles étaient publiées, pourraient nous compromettre, et dans ce qui est maintenant 29 Intel Drops, je n'ai pas encore eu besoin de quoi que ce soit supprimé ou corrigé in une mesure sérieuse. Tout a été publié correctement, alors en effet, merci à lui. »
Bill : En terminant, queles sont vos perspectives pour le mois prochain? Que devraient faire ou retenir de cet Intel Drop qu'ils peuvent intégrer dans leur vie?
Gideon : « Nous n'avons pas poussé cela, mais je veux encourager tout le monde à remplir le questionnaire. Mon guide et d'autres m'ont exhorté à le faire. Nous ne pouvons pas nous reposer. La fin du jeu est trop serrée et notre temps de faire quelque chose se rapproche rapidement. Nous avons encore besoin de plus de personnes dans notre équipe.
Nos informations n'atteignent que quelques milliers de personnes, et le reste du monde est complètement aveugle et marche dans la tromperie. Nous devons être réalistes. Nous pouvons faire beaucoup plus de l'autre côté des choses, une fois qu'il est mis en œuvre, en ayant le statut de souverain. La seule chose que nous pouvons vraiment faire maintenant est d'essayer d'atteindre quelques personnes de plus avec la vérité. »
Bill : Ok, eh bien, merci encore pour votre temps et votre honnêteté.
Gédéon : « Beaucoup de bénédictions pour vous et tous ceux qui lisent. Good night.
Bill : « Bonne nuit, que Dieu vous benisse. »
Today: We build a team. Nous aurons besoin de personnes sur lesquelles nous pourrons compter et avec lesquelles nous pourrons nous coordonner de partout dans le monde. Pour nous rejoindre, vous pouvez remplir our questionnaire anonymous ici.
& 1...2...3...SOLEIL VERT.... dit :
25 February 2023 at 12 h 25 min
IL YA EU UNE ERREUR DE MANIPULATION QUE JE NE COMPRENDS PAS ET QUE JE DEPLORE…. Merci a vous Ronald de ne pas editer ce commentaire puisque le pseudo est involontaire et pas le mien par consequent …Je vous en remercie par advance …
& 1...2...3...SOLEIL VERT.... dit :
25 February 2023 at 12 h 21 min
donc interdisant de facto l Epargne et la Transmission d un Capital … Tout ceci ayant pour decors de sadment maintenantcelebrated villes denommees 15mn Smart Cities ou Villes Intelligentes de 15mn…Entendez par la que vous serez Parques en votre Quartier et ne pourrez en Franchir lesLIMITES a savoir roughly un rayon d un Km autour de votre logement … CELA NE VOUS RAPPELLE T IL PAS CERTAINES recentes RESTRICTIONS DE DEPLACEMENTS CRUELLES ET INJUSTIFIEES ???? Bref Nous Serons Enfermes dans des Ghettos, dans des Villes Prisons ou la Vie n aura plus aucune Saveur , ou tous les plaisirs dont nous raffolons Seront interdits .. UNE VIE DANS DES CAMPS DE CONCENTRATION …A CIEUX OUVERTS QUI NE TARDERONT PAS A REVELER LEUR VERITABLE NATURE ….
& 1...2...3...SOLEIL VERT.... dit :
25 February 2023 at 11 h 48 min
IL ME SEMBLE MAINTENANT IMPERATIF D ACCEPTER L EVIDENCE ….Nous Sommes Parvenus au Point de Non Retour , le Grand RESET ou Grande Spoliation des Peuples de la Terre est deja sur le point d Etre Finalisé , que Nous le ….Voulions ou Non ….
The DEMONIC Psychopaths who have taken control of all Planetary Riches and Resources, Resources, of which We Are Eminently An Integral Part, Seem to have a Unique Program: To achieve as fast as possible... THE EXTINCTION of ALL FORMS OF LIFE on Earth , ALL ECO-SYSTEMS… THE BIOSPHERE… ARE UNDER CONSTANT ATTACK… DELIBERATED… AND……………………………….EXPONENTIAL NOW… Extreme weather events, (presumably natural, but actually artificially generated by HAARP Technologies …….. And …………
Combined Geo Engineering and More Nexrad…. ) THEY ARE FOLLOWING AND WALKING THROUGHOUT THE DAYS……………SOWING DESPERATION….. SIDERATION AND TOTAL DEPRESSION AMONG THE SURVIVORS…. Turkey has suffered these large and free aggressions and the Prime Minister of the country himself has denounced the use of these satanic technologies against innocents…. Industrial pseudo-accidents are happening at a dizzying pace. and will only cease when life itself is finally EXTINGUISHED here below….. For THIS IS THE PURPOSE OF THE GAME of the Forces of Evil…. THE PERVERT THEN COMPLETELY DESTROYS THE CREATIVE WORK OF THE SUPREME CREATOR……..
THE WORD OF GOD against satanic pharmaceuticals
The inoculation is the cause of the disease
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The Spanish flu epidemic of 1918 was a vaccine-caused disease
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Why do mRNA vaccines alter your DNA? To make you legal property!
Insects as a weapon of destruction
No to the construction of a biosafety laboratory in Pesaro" - with Franco Fracassi"
Earthquakes and chemtrails in the sky lately
« Deepfake »: what if the criminal had your face and your voice?
If instead of bullets or atomic bombs the mandatory vaccine for everyone with toxic technology is used
Attali in 2009: a pandemic will establish a world government
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Rothschild: "Give me control of a nation's money and I don't care who makes its laws."
Davos and telemedicine without doctors, or almost
Soft drugs and clogged prisons
Before dealing with politics and the search for Truth, I was a Yacht Designer, here is my portfolio
NB: I have been looking for a lawyer and a minimum of visibility for ten years for vital facts, but unfortunately the code of silence serves as ethics and value.
Political Christian pursued under the bridges of France for years.
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Andrea Salvatore Buffa
Best regards,
Andrea Salvatore Buffa
I only found your Substack yesterday, via a comment you posted (insistently) on another Substack.
Fascinating stuff.
You seem to be fluent in both French and Italian. Am wondering whether you're using an online translator to publish in English?
P.S. I am a native born Italian, living in Canada.
In bocca al lupo.